Inside: Looking for quick wins to survive mom fog? Find out the 7 best mental health tips for moms!
Have you ever had a book you were dying to read?? You put the kids to bed early, poured yourself your favorite cup of coffee and dove head in….only to find out the book was not what you expected…
My 7th grade teacher’s voice comes ringing back into my ears– “you never judge a book by its cover”.
Mom life is like a book–you can strive to look the best but if you neglect your mental health, it’s like opening a beautiful book only to reveal the pages have been torn out…
As busy moms, sometimes the last thing on our list is to tend to YOU. Your heart. Your mind. Your soul.
We spend countless hours taking care of everyone else that we don’t even realize the pages of our book are withering.
It’s time to tend to your book–not just make the outside pretty so people think we’re awesome…but time to actually fix the torn pages.
I’m so excited to be able to share this Guest Post with you all about the best mental health tips for moms written by Katie, Nicole, and Kristine from Surviving Moms!
7 Best Mental Health Tips for Moms
As someone who has struggled with mental health on and off for several years now, I am constantly looking for ways to calm my nerves and lift my spirits. Here are some tips that have worked for me over the past few years. I hope this helps!
1. Read a chapter of Psalms every day.
The first mental health tip for moms is to dive into uplifting literature.
This book is full of encouragement! The chapters are typically small and can be read within a couple of minutes. Most of them are written by King David, as he is crying out for God in the midst of his despair.
Despite his suffering, he praises God for his goodness and faithfulness to Him.
2. Record what you are thankful for each day.
Having a journal where you can record something you are thankful for each and every day helps you have a positive mindset, even if just for a moment. It’s too easy to focus on what’s going wrong instead of the hundreds of blessings around you.
Moms, if you have a healthy child in the room next to you, that’s something to be thankful for right there.
3. Limit sugary foods and caffeine.
This tip is especially true for those who suffer from anxiety. I definitely find myself becoming more anxious when I have a lot of sugar in my diet or when I drink too much coffee during the day.
Watching what you put in your body can have a HUGE impact on your mental health, so be conscious of that.
Related Post: 15 Yummy & Healthy Mom Snacks to Get You Through the Day
4. Get moving.
When you’re struggling with your mental health, it’s easy to want to just stay inside and watch movies all day. This won’t improve your mood though!
Get outside, take the kids to the park, go on a bike ride.
Do something to get your adrenaline pumping. It will make you feel better, I promise!
Related Post: 5 Hacks Every Mom Needs to Know to Stay Healthy
5. Take time for yourself.
This one is so important, especially for moms! We pour so much of our energy into our little ones that we often neglect our own needs.
My favorite way to take time for myself is to take a walk outside after dinner to get some fresh air while my husband spends time playing with our daughter.
I need those precious moments to myself!
6. Find someone you can open up to.
When you are struggling with mental health issues, it’s important to have someone to talk to.
It’s best if that person has also struggled in similar ways as they will be able to give you advice on how to cope.
This person will ideally be a close friend or family member.
7. Seek professional help before things get out of control.
Before your anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses get out of control, seek help from a professional.
They will be able to provide help for you in ways that your family and friends can’t.
Get the Free Self-Care Cheatsheet
Never have time for yourself?? One of the best mental health tips for moms is to focus on self-care! Easily start focusing on YOU with this cheat sheet. Find out how you can make time for self-care…even when you have no time!
Get it now!
This post is written by the fantastic moms over at Surviving Moms!
Katie, Nicole, and Kristine are sister-in-laws with eight kids between them. They now blog at about mom survival tips, what is helping them get through their days with their kiddos, and how their true hope and encouragement comes from knowing their Savior, Jesus Christ.
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