Inside: Find out how to make Valentine’s Day as new parents special and romantic yet cheap!
It’s not every day that you get to focus on your marriage…
Especially when you are constantly cleaning, cooking, making bottles, pumping, and running around after little humans!
You may be thinking Valentine’s Day isn’t even worth celebrating…
But your Valentine’s day as new parents doesn’t have to be dreary and forgotten. I’ll help you easily celebrate this day of love without spending tons of money & without any stress!
I absolutely love Valentine’s Day because I get to dedicate a whole day to celebrate the love I have for my husband. Which if you ask him, he’ll tell you how he always feels invisible since our daughter has been born.
But just because you’re a parent now doesn’t mean you forget that you’re still husband and wife!
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be an expensive night out or some elaborately planned event.
Instead, I’ll give some amazing tips and ideas to help you spend your valentine’s day as new parents focusing on your love for each other while still being devoted to your parental duties.
So, don’t worry about spending a ton of money on gifts and being worried about the fact that you can’t go out to that expensive restaurant you love. I’ll tell you all about how to make this Valentine’s Day special and romantic yet low-key and enjoyable!
Because you are new parents and probably don’t have the time (or money!) to fully dedicate everything you have to Valentine’s Day for your spouse, I created this really fun and romantic “Why I Love You & Love Coupon Booklet”!
Give your spouse something heartfelt and handmade and spend the night just enjoying each other’s company!
It’s super easy to make—all you have to do is print it, cut out the boxes, and fill out each box to let your spouse know how much you love them.
The best part of this printable booklet is that it’s fully customizable and can be as special as you want it to be! Trust me, your spouse is going to love it 🙂
Download the printable booklet now!
So let’s get down to it!
How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as New Parents
Make time for each other
As a new parent, you typically don’t have a lot of spare time, let alone time to just spend with your spouse. And that’s totally normal!
Since you’re in this new season of parenthood, spending time with your spouse may seem like a rarity. But Valentine’s Day is a great way to show your spouse how much you love them by simply spending some quality time with each other.
After you put the baby to sleep, wash the bottles, fold the laundry, and clean the house- be sure to intentionally make time for your spouse. Even if that means you leave the dishes in the sink, leave the unfolded laundry in the basket, and sweep the house later.
Sometimes there is no greater gift than the gift of some quality time together. Especially when you haven’t been as close as you were since your new addition came into the picture.
Send each other special texts throughout the day
Another way to make Valentine’s Day as new parents special is to send each other cute texts throughout the day.
If you and your sweetie are apart for most of Valentine’s day, whether you’re both at work or one of you are home with the baby and the other is working- it’s super fun to let each other know that you guys are thinking of each other.
You may not be in each other’s physical company, but you can keep each other on your minds by sending fun, cute, and flirty texts to each other.
Send one every other hour or even every hour!
Cook or order out your favorite meal
As new parents, you may not be able to get a baby sitter and go out to your favorite restaurant. Especially if your little one is still an infant and you don’t feel comfortable leaving your baby to go for a night out.
Another great option is to make your favorite meal or your spouse’s favorite dish for dinner. Or you can make your favorite dessert!
It’s a way to say “I love you” without the pomp and frills.
You can also order take out of your favorite meal! That way, one person isn’t cooking and slaving away for the other person. You can both have a fun, relaxing, low key but romantic night without any dirty pots and pans — score 🙂
Give your spouse something they love
Valentine’s Day as new parents doesn’t have to be expensive.
You don’t have to buy expensive earrings or expensive gifts.
You don’t have to worry about racking your brain thinking about what your spouse will love.
Instead, go back to basics and think of things that you KNOW your spouse loves.
Maybe it’s a special item from the bakery that you can pick up, or maybe it’s something silly like a fun pair of novelty socks. And if you don’t have time to go out and actually buy a gift then you can just go online and order something.
Amazon is perfect for last-minute gifts because most things are delivered within 2 days!
Take a picture as a family
How can you have Valentine’s Day as new parents and not involve your actual baby? One of my favorite things to do on Valentines Day since becoming a parent is to take a family picture!
You can dress up or having matching clothes or just all wear red or Valentine’s color.
Another sweet thing to do is put red paint on your baby’s hand or foot and make an imprint of it on a piece of paper or a card. It’s a great way to remember each year on that special day of love.
Watch your favorite movie and snack out!
Everyone loves a date night in!
Your first Valentine’s Day as new parents doesn’t have to fancy but it can be exciting and fun. All you have to do is hop onto Netflix, Vudu or Amazon Prime Video and watch your favorite movie or tv show.
Parenthood is often super selfless and busy with everything being revolved around your baby so you don’t usually intentionally plan time to sit down and watch a movie together.
Now is the time to do it!
Plan a movie date night in and don’t forget to stock up on snacks and drinks.
If you’re looking for fun date night in ideas, download this free printable Date Night-In Idea Kit! It comes with ideas for date nights and includes a checklist of everything you need for each date night idea!
Click here to get the FREE DATE NIGHT IN KIT!
Make the “Why I Love You” & Love Coupon Booklet
I created this awesome and fun DIY gift to give to your sweetie to make them swoon!
Sometimes we get caught up in the business of life, parenthood and mom life that we forget to tell our spouse how we feel about them, how much we love them, and why we love them.
Love and appreciation can go a LONNNGGGG way in a marriage. Simply saying “Thank You” can be the best gift you can give your spouse.
Tell your spouse how much you love them with my free, fun “Why I Love You” & Love Coupon Booklet!
It’s super easy to make and is a 100% free instant download!
Simply print out the pages, fill out the boxes, cut them out, and tie/glue them together in booklet form. Or just cut them out and leave them in random areas for your loved one to find!
Download the “Why I Love You” & Love Coupon Booklet Now!
Well there you have it!
I hope I was able to give you some ideas to help you make your Valentine’s Day as parents special, fun, memorable, and romantic!
Remember, just because you are a parent now doesn’t mean that you forget that you are still husband and wife.
It’s not about how much money you spent or where you are eating that makes Valentine’s Day special- it’s about spending quality time together as a family and as husband and wife!
So leave the bottles in the sink, don’t worry about folding the clothes in the basket, and just focus on each other’s company.
After all, you were husband and wife before you were mom and dad!
Want more tips on how to focus on your marriage after becoming parents??
Take the FREE Marriage Revival Challenge to help you and your spouse fall back in love and focus on your marriage! Click here to enroll now!
Christine says
These are all really great ideas. I love the idea of the coupon book!
Danielle says
I adore all of your ideas!! This is the exact style we take on Valentine’s Day and I can’t wait to incorporate your ideas!
Season says
Ah these are great ideas and I LOVE the coupon book idea!! How fun! Simple, doable, practical ideas!! xo
Erin Vaughn says
These are adorable! I love it! My husband and I often play video games as our date nights lol
Meagan says
I will be honest and say that usually, Valentine’s Day is just another day for us… These were good tips and reminders!
Savannah says
Thank you for the cute ideas and for reminding me how many ways we can show our spouse we care without following the world’s checklist (flowers, dinner, expensive gifts). Our all-time favorite date night now is getting all the kids to bed, whipping up a new type of nachos, and then eating them while we find something new together on Netflix or YouTube. Usually it’s a cool documentary about something we are both interested in or some great new improv or comedy sketch from our favorite comedian. When you live in a family world, you adapt 😉
Pamela *The Sparkle Momma* says
These are amazing ideas! ❤ With 3 kiddos, these are all wonderful reminders to make Valentine’s extra special! Valentine’s day is also my birthday… and my oldest was my birthday present – birm 2 days after me. ????