Why should I start a blog? Who am I and what do I have to offer?
I’ve asked myself these questions about a million times before I actually took the leap to start my own blog. The blogging world has been so helpful to me that I wanted to contribute to the “mom blog” community but was so afraid that I wouldn’t have anything to offer. I just kept thinking to myself “I’m too small of a fish in a gigantic ocean.” But after so many people started asking me question after having my daughter, I knew that starting a blog is something that I can do!
But then I started to remember my story: how I ended up pregnant, how I battled severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum), how went through a miscarriage, how I battled with colic and fussiness and so much more. Maybe my story was something that could be heard and even help other mothers facing the same situations.
Why I Thought I Could Start a Blog
My pregnancy and delivery were life-changing. I actually was pregnant before I had my daughter but I miscarried. (You can read the story of my heartbreaking miscarriage here.) Then when my daughter was born we encountered colic, gas, fussiness, breastfeeding issues, formula issues and everything in between. I found myself giving advice to new mothers and my pregnant friends would call me to ask me questions. I loved being able to not only share my stories and experiences but also help new mothers who were going through things that were overwhelming, frustrating and even scary.
One day my husband told me that I should start a blog and it was like a lightbulb went on!
I purposed myself to learn everything I possibly could about starting a blog, but not just any blog- a successful blog. From reading countless success stories I even began to think that I can build a profitable blog! This started to give me confidence that I haven’t felt in months, the confidence in myself think maybe I have something to offer the “mom blog” community. I mean who doesn’t want to be a “mom boss”?! I did my research, invested my time and money and signed up for the what I heard was best blogging course around, Elite Blog Academy.
Why I Started This Blog
I started this blog to help mothers and new families through the journey of becoming a mom. I discovered so many tips that helped me and my husband through the times of uncertainty and exhaustion. We came up with routines that were life changing and I created lists and schedules that got me through the hard days that I would love to share with those who can identify with our experiences. I ultimately started this blog to let other parents know they are not alone!
Being a parent is wonderful but super exhausting. It’s easy to get caught up in the unpredictability of parenthood and mom life that we sometimes find ourselves unhappy. But we can take those hard days, weary days, and dreary days and turn them into something beautiful- together we can master mom life!
This road to blogging has been challenging but I have learned a multitude of information and gained a new-found confidence in myself all while still being able to stay at home with my beautiful daughter and raise her.
Blogging isn’t about me or the income or the fame. It’s about helping moms and parents all around the world who need some encouragement, advice, tips, a pat on the pack, a thumbs up, and anything else I can offer them!
Thinking of starting a blog or sharing your hard-earned advice with the world? You can do it!
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