It’s officially Spring cleaning time! You are either getting really pumped to start your cleaning endeavor or super dreading having to deep clean your house. No matter how you feel about spring cleaning, we can accomplish it easily (and quickly!) with a Spring cleaning checklist!
Having a spring cleaning checklist can help you accomplish all of your spring cleaning goals in a flash. My Spring cleaning checklist is simple, easy to use, and will take the overwhelm out of having to clean your home!
Download the free Spring cleaning checklist now!
Before I go into what is in on the checklist and how to clean your home easily, be sure to actually download the checklist! This Spring cleaning checklist will help you clean your home efficiently and effortless (and at your own pace!).
Let’s get down to what’s on the spring cleaning checklist!
The Easiest Spring Cleaning Checklist
I love spring cleaning because as much as I love my “stuff”, I also love to declutter. Since having my daughter, I have been MASS decluttering. Before I was a mom I was kind of an “emotional hoarder” and rarely parted with things due to the emotional attachment I had with them. But now that I am a mom, messiness = mayhem and clutter =chaos.
So I take advantage of the spring cleaning phenomenon and use this time to do a declutter and deep clean of my home. The best part about spring cleaning for me is that because I use a daily, weekly, and monthly, cleaning checklist, the deep clean isn’t that bad because I stay on top of the cleaning!
Because I rather clean for 5 minutes a day than not clean and then have to clean 2 hours every weekend or have to clean for 3 weeks come spring time.
If you want to get my daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning checklists that make mom life easier, fill out the form at the bottom of this post and get the instant downloads in my resource library!
The Spring Cleaning Checklist Overview:
These are the basic spring cleaning “chores” that you can do that will be simple, easy to finish, and make your house clean and sparkly:
- Vacuum/Sweep/Mop under all furniture
- Clean windows and window sills
- Declutter under sinks
- Declutter cabinets and closets
- Clear off and deep clean counter spaces
- Dust shelves and items hanging on the walls
- Declutter spaces under beds
- Deep clean appliances
Declutter vs. Deep Cleaning
Since this post is about the EASY way to accomplish spring cleaning (even for my fellow lazy moms out there!), you want to first know that spring cleaning can consist of 2 different categories, that can take different amounts of time to complete.
Declutter is going through your stuff and getting rid of things and reorganizing your existing stuff.
Deep cleaning is literally that, cleaning your home on a deeper level. This can include and extra sanitizing or scrubbing something that normally just gets wiped down. My easy Spring cleaning checklist helps you both declutter and deep clean each room of your house in the fastest and easiest way possible!
Let’s talk about how!
Don’t forget to download the simple & easy Spring cleaning checklist now! It even comes with BONUS Spring Cleaning Goal Worksheets you so you can write down the goals that you want to accomplish for each room!
Room By Room
The easiest way to tackle spring cleaning is to do it room by room. Why? Because it keeps you sane and it doesn’t turn your whole house into a disaster zone at the same time.
Do you know why people dread cleaning? Because not only do you have to clean, but it requires taking things out, pulling things down, moving things out of the way, getting behind things, and so on.
It can be WORK. But tackling each room one by one can be a lifesaver because once you’re done with that room- that’s it, you’re done!
Which Rooms First?
On the Simple & Easy Spring Cleaning Checklist, I list all of the things to do for spring cleaning for each room. But I leave it up to you whether which rooms you want to do first and in what order. I find that each person has a different preference because each home is different and has different needs at different times.
For example, maybe your baby is outgrowing his clothes and you need to put away the clothes that are too small. This may the priority for you. So, you utilize spring cleaning to focus on your baby’s room.
You put away the old clothes (or donate them or give them away), reorganize your baby’s closet and drawers. Clean the closet. Throw away any clutter or garbage. Take this time to wipe down the crib, spackle some old holes, and make your baby’s room pretty once again.
All of this is what you can do during spring cleaning!
Clean your home as YOU see fit!
Set Goals
To successfully accomplish spring cleaning, I always find it best to set goals. Why? Because it gives me a way to create realistic, actionable steps to get things done. If I just have on my list “go through closet”, I’m never going to do it. But if I take 2 extra minutes to write down WHAT I need to do in order to go through the closet, I’m more likely to get it done because it seems more attainable.
For example, if I wanted to go through my coat closet (which is an absolute mess- think of Monica Geller’s secret messy closet haha) I need bins to organize and store items in, extra hangers, at least 2 hours of a weekend, and some trash bags.
So, on my Spring Cleaning Goal Worksheet (which you can download below!), I write that my goal is to declutter and organize my coat closet. The items I need are large plastic bins, plastic bags, and hangers. And I want to set aside 2 hours to get it done some weekend in April.
Now that I have a PLAN, it seems wwaaayyyy more achievable!
Get the Free Simple & Easy Spring Cleaning Checklist!
This checklist is seriously awesome because it breaks Spring cleaning down and makes it easy and simple! No more scrubbing your house for week and weeks! Just simply use the list to check off your Spring Cleaning as you get around to it.
It’s the perfect checklist for lazy mom’s like me (or even busy moms!) because it has everything on it and you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything and remaking a list- the work is already done for you!
It’s Spring cleaning simplified!
Alllsssoooo, as a BONUS to help you Spring Clean in the easiest way possible, I added Spring Cleaning Goal Worksheets along with the checklist so you can create your own Spring cleaning goals to make your “to-do” list more attainable!
Download the checklist now!
>> So there you have it! Spring cleaning done easy! I hope you download the brilliant and simple Spring Cleaning checklist you needed to accomplish spring cleaning in a breeze!
Happy Spring Cleaning!
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